biz kids sponsorship

Your business and purpose on the Biz Kids stage

Biz Kids partners

The logo of finance company VisaThe logo of Stagecoach Performing Arts

Are you ready to showcase your brand on a global stage and captivate the hearts and minds of millions of young minds worldwide?

Biz Kids offers an unparalleled opportunity to partner with us and feature your brand on our dynamic platform.

Biz Kids isn't just another educational platform - it's a movement. With our engaging and informative content, we've captured the attention of millions of young learners across the globe. Our commitment to empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators sets us apart from the rest.

Values-based partnerships

By partnering with Biz Kids, you'll have the opportunity to amplify your brand's visibility and make a lasting impact on the future leaders of tomorrow.

Our collaborations are based on telling stories through multiple pieces of content – aligning your objectives with the core values of our audience and connecting with them on a profound level.

This transforms passive viewers into active participants and loyal advocates of brands like yours.

Biz Kids Live

Biz Kids TV

How to get started

Partnering with Biz Kids is simple and straightforward.

Contact us today to discuss how we can tailor a partnership package that aligns with your brand's goals and objectives.

Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to feature your brand on the Biz Kids stage – inspiring the next generation of innovators and meeting your CSR objectives.

An example partnership

Biz Kids partnered with VISA to mark Global Money Week, with founder Tash Courtenay-Smith joining an exclusive panel – discussing how platforms like Biz Kids, alongside powerhouses like VISA, can help to inspire and empower young people with digital and financial skills for the future.

VISA athlete and professional footballer Megan Campbell also appeared on a live Biz Kids lesson, passing on her incredible knowledge and experience to our Biz Kids.

Chat to us about becoming a partner!

What the Biz Kids say about us!

Biz Kids has had a huge and positive impact on thousands of children, from all corners of the globe since it's inception, including the United States, Canada and India.